Now that you finished your first successful extrusion, we want to give you all the resources and knowledge to help you further on your filament making journey!
We recommend starting with Activating your Filament Maker now that you know the basics. Next, it is essential that you go through the Purging instructions to avoid damaging your machine. After that you are welcome to explore our Blog, Support Platform, or specific material related Educational Videos.
Much of our content is focused on the Filament Maker ONE so far, however there is a lot of translatable knowledge, theory, and practice when it comes to these two machines. Lastly, we are creating new content, articles and videos for the FM TWO every week.
Support Platform
Advanced extrusion techniques focusing on a wide range of polymers. Here you can find our material reports, recommendations, tutorials and more.
Separate to our Support Platform, our blog is where we offer client stories, updates, case studies, industry news, and other exciting articles!
Our dedicated YouTube page where we can communicate our educational content as well as exciting company developments. Explore freely!