Material Insights

3devo's Filament Extrusion & Recycling Innovations at Formnext 2024

3devo's Filament Extrusion & Recycling Innovations at Formnext 2024
3devo stand formnext 2022


In just one month’s time, the 3devo team will be attending the biggest European event in the additive manufacturing industry. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, it’s likely you’ll be at least familiar with the 4-day long trade show that exists as a hub for developments in 3D printing and related technology 

We have been attending Formnext since 2016; every year presents an opportunity to celebrate our progress from initial small-scale start-up to the well-established, highly experienced team we are today! We think of it as a platform to showcase our yearly progress and interact with both existing members of our community and potential new customers.  

What’s New For Formnext 2024? 

Well, the big news is that we will finally be launching the fully realized version of our Filament Maker TWO. If you happened to visit our Formnext stand in 2023, you may recall the initial launch of the machine’s advance prototype. A culmination of years of research, customer feedback, and a relentless drive to solve the industry's most pressing challenges, we were blown away by the positive reception to this next generation of our 3D printing filament extrusion system. Learning from the experiences of our customers meant that we could develop features and make improvements that we knew would maximize their chance of project success. We sought to make a tangible impact in the world of plastic recycling and filament extrusion, and it’s clear that the features we were able to demonstrate this time last year were certainly leading us towards that goal.  

Now, one year later, we are delighted to showcase the Filament Maker TWO in its final form!  

Filament Maker TWO in fablabs setting


Live Demonstrations! 

At Formnext 2024, we are looking forward to walking you through some of the key developments live at our stand. We’ll have both the original Filament Maker ONE and the new Filament Maker TWO on display, so you can experience high quality filament extrusion firsthand.  

In preparation for Formnext, we’ve spoken with a group of engineers and prospective users of our new machine, and asked them which of the new features would be most attractive to them. Here’s what to expect when you see the FM2 in action: 

  • Extrusion Stability: The FM2 boasts an improved stepper motor, a new gearbox, and a longer heating barrel. These upgrades work together to create a more stable flow, resulting in consistent filament diameter of reliably high quality. 
  • Improved Sensor and Data Monitoring: The FM2 offers unprecedented control over your extrusion process. With more data collected per minute - including from a 3-axis camera sensor - you’ll have more insight into your results than ever before. Our enhanced data collection and automated monitoring systems allow you to customize the extrusion process to fit specific materials, categories, or even your unique production needs. 

  • Forgiving Extrusion System: Whether you’re experimenting with new materials or making quick adjustments, the FM2 is designed with flexibility in mind. The extrusion system is easy to disassemble, providing full access to the screw for hassle-free cleaning and maintenance. We want our users to feel confident in experimenting without the fear of long reset times, giving you the power to innovate quickly and without limits. 
  • Screw Pull: Thanks to the improved accessibility of the machine, users are able to perform a screw pull inhouse. If you ever push the machine too far, the FM2 gives you the ability to reset and recover quickly, without having to send it back to us. This feature also allows you to change the extrusion screws yourself, giving you full autonomy when it comes to cleaning and resetting the machine. 

  • 3kg Spools: The FM2 is still desktop-sized but being comparatively larger than the original Filament Maker ONE, it has the ability to spool larger 3kg filament spools. This makes it ideal for commercial-scale production, reducing the need for frequent spool changes and increasing efficiency for businesses that need volume. 

How We Work With You

The Filament Maker TWO is not the only thing we are excited to showcase at Formnext 2024. Earlier this year, 3devo took a big transformative step in order to maximize our impact in the 3D printing world. Moving away from a primary focus on sales, we redirected our energies towards more meaningful project collaboration. This shift allows us to contribute more directly to innovation and growth in your filament extrusion projects.  

We start by listening to your needs and understanding your filament project goals. Through a one-to-one call with an experienced Materials Specialist, we’ll determine the best path forward for your specific project. From here, we’ll guide you through our machines during a 2-month onboarding stage – you'll master the Filament Makers and/or GP20 Plastic Shredder, initiate your material research, and begin extruding your custom filament. The journey beyond this is totally up to you! You can choose to work independently or continue collaboration with our team – whether that be with our Materials Specialists, or by working directly with our R&D team to develop custom solutions specific for your project needs.  

We can’t wait to speak with you about your current or prospective filament extrusion goals! Supported by our Filament Makers ONE and TWO, our team will be fully dedicated to your project’s success.  

Meet Our Team

Formnext Team 2023


Every year we bring a great team with us to Formnext – and this year is no different. Some have been attending for many years, whilst for some us this will be our first Formnext experience with 3devo – or at all! 

Let’s find out what they are most looking forward to! 

Nutthaya (Channel Manager): This will be my third time attending Formnext, time really flies! Even though it's not my first experience, I still get excited to see the latest innovations and connect with new people. Every year, I enjoy catching up with customers, fellow exhibitors, and meeting new faces. The atmosphere is always so dynamic and inspiring. 

"This year, with our new business model in place, we're eager to showcase more than just our products. Of course, our popular filament makers (both the One and Two) and the GP20 Plastic Shredder will be there, but we’re also focused on highlighting how we collaborate with and support our clients for long-term success, sharing their stories of growth and innovation. 

"Personally, I’ll be focusing on expanding our partner network, so if you’re interested in becoming a 3devo partner or want to learn more about our machines and how we work, please stop by our booth. I'll be there from November 19th to 21st, and I look forward to seeing both familiar and new faces!”  

Louis (Materials Specialist): This is the 5th edition I have the chance to attend. It is always a great pleasure to meet established users of our process - in many cases, this feels like catching up with old friends! It gives me a chance to both receive feedback, to remain informed about their progress, and to answer questions on the spot. Success stories, new challenges to overcome - I love hearing about it all! 

"It is also a great opportunity for me to explain our process to newcomers. This year, I am super excited about the news we bring for both new and experienced partners: the Filament Maker TWO. We took what made the first extruder great, and enhanced it with 8 years worth of customer feedback which I proudly helped collect.” 

Leah (Materials Specialist): “This will be my first Formnext experience! I’m most looking forward to learning from the other attendees; there will be so many experts in their own fields and it will be such a privilege to speak with them.  

"Meeting lots of customers in person and hearing what they've achieved is the most valuable thing to me. I'd also like to meet others in similar roles.  

"I believe our team has captured the customers' needs beautifully with the new Filament Maker TWO features, so I'm eager to hear what the attendees think during our live demos.” 

Extrusion Specialists working in the lab with Filament Maker TWO and conducting MFI test


Jose (Materials Specialist): “This will be my third time attending Formnext, and from all the editions I've been to, the best part is the face-to-face interaction. Throughout the year, we talk to hundreds of people via email, online meetings, and phone calls, but it's so cool to finally meet them in person and pick up from where our conversations left off. 

"The most valuable aspect for me is to hear from our clients what they have achieved using 3devo technology. Plus feel the pulse of the 3D printing industry as whole with all the new solutions offered by our industry companies. 

"The FM2 represents a significant generational leap in desktop scale filament makers, I am excited to share the amazing new features and hear how it can bring a new edge in the hands of engineers, teachers, researchers and more.”  

Manos (Marketing Manager): As this will be my second time at Formnext, I’m genuinely excited to return. The energy of interacting with so many like-minded people is something I vividly remember from the last time I was there, and I’m looking forward to experiencing that again. It’s great to see how awareness of our brand has grown, but what I really enjoy is witnessing the excitement when people learn about our solutions for the first time. 

"This year, I’m particularly eager to introduce the new FM2 and showcase the improvements it brings to the extrusion process. I’m also looking forward to exploring the latest industry innovations, meeting new faces, and forging fresh marketing collaborations. Formnext is a fantastic opportunity to stay updated, connect with industry friends, and make new connections that can help drive our mission forward.” 

Koen (Materials Specialist): “It's going to be my first Formnext and I am very excited to be part of the epicenter of innovation in AM techniques. Forming a connection with people is something I really enjoy in my job and I think Formnext will be a great place to talk with fellow engineers, innovators, and potential customers. I'm also looking forward to answer any questions that visitors to our stand will have about the FM2, as I really see its research potential and am very curious to see the innovations this machine will enable in the future.”  

Timo (Commercial Team Manager): “After attending Formnext for many years in a row, for me it also feels like catching up with old friends. It's very easy to connect with everyone, also because everyone gets excited about the same thing: innovation and 3D printing. At Formnext you often meet people or companies that might have solutions to problems you can't solve on your own, and vice versa. Connecting and brainstorming new ideas can really drive innovation much further. I always get inspired here. 

"We have already established ourselves as one of the household names at Formnext, and this year we will officially launch our second generation Filament Maker (Filament Maker TWO), which will be very exciting to discuss with the market directly. But I will be mainly looking forward to discussing future opportunities and hopefully establishing new collaborations, so we can increase our impact in the 3D printing industry.” 


Extrusion specialists avatars: Timo van der Laak, José Rui Capitão, Leah Brew, Koen Rensen, Louis Rinaldo


You’ll have the opportunity to meet our full team of Materials Specialists on the stand throughout the week, so we encourage you to come armed with your materials questions and research projects.  

We can’t wait to connect with you at Formnext 2024! This event is not just a showcase of our latest innovations; it's an opportunity to foster meaningful relationships within the additive manufacturing community. 

At our booth, you’ll have the chance to discover firsthand how the Filament Maker TWO can revolutionize your filament extrusion processes and enhance your project outcomes. Our knowledgeable team of Materials Specialists is eager to answer your questions, share insights, and explore how we can work together to overcome the unique challenges you face in your projects. 

See You in Frankfurt!

Whether you're an experienced professional or new to the world of 3D printing, we're here to support your journey. Let's discuss your ideas, share success stories, and collaborate on innovative solutions that drive the industry forward. 

Make sure to mark your calendar for November 19th to 22nd and stop by our booth (F139, Hall 12.1) to see what we have in store. Together, we can shape the future of filament extrusion and make a lasting impact in the world of 3D printing. We look forward to welcoming you and embarking on this exciting journey together! 

Engineers looking at an extruded filament in a fablabs setting


Discover our new Filament Maker TWO

Learn more about our new FM2 - a powerful filament extruder and filament research platform in one machine.

Filament Maker TWO


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Formnext and why should I attend?

Formnext is Europe’s leading event for the additive manufacturing industry, showcasing the latest innovations in 3D printing technology. Formnext gives you the opportunity to network with industry professionals, discover new technologies, and gain insights into the future of 3D printing. 

What can I expect from the Filament Maker TWO at the event?

At our booth, you can experience live demonstrations of the Filament Maker TWO, showcasing its improved stability, enhanced data monitoring, user-friendly design, and ability to spool larger filament quantities. Our team will be on hand to answer any questions and discuss how these features can benefit your projects. 

How can 3devo support my filament extrusion projects?

Our Materials Specialists are dedicated to understanding your specific needs and guiding you through the filament extrusion process. From personalized onboarding to ongoing collaboration, we work closely with you to ensure your project’s success. Come and meet our Materials Specialists at Formnext!

Will there be opportunities to speak with the 3devo team during Formnext?

Absolutely! Our entire team of Materials Specialists will be available at our booth throughout the event. We encourage you to bring your materials questions and project ideas for discussion. 

What changes has 3devo made to its business model recently?

We have shifted our focus from solely machine sales to more meaningful project collaboration. This transformation allows us to contribute more directly to innovation and growth in your filament extrusion projects, fostering a partnership approach that prioritizes your success. 


Begin Your Journey Towards Sustainable 3D Printing

Start by transforming plastic waste into recyclable material with our efficient and innovative shredder, designed to empower your filament recycling journey.

GP20 Plastic Shredder

Explore More on Sustainable 3D Printing Materials