Reusing and repurposing plastic waste is an ideal way to cut down on the amount of garbage you put in your landfill, while you are saving on materials.
Extrusion in Fablabs

Bringing Fabulous Ideas to Life
3D printing is already an indispensable asset for Fablabs and Makerspaces. Supported by desktop extrusion, it can inspire young minds to keep coming up with fresh and innovative ideas, without the constraints of materials, time or resources. Create fabulous designs with materials of your choice, share and develop them further, and re-iterate till you get them just right.
Benefits of Extrusion
Reduce Costs & Save Time
Compact desktop filament extruders deliver flexibility and convenience in extrusion—reducing lead times while cutting costs.
Convert Waste into Resources
Infinite Testing & Prototyping
Infinite testing and prototyping allows you to collect maximum insights from minimum resources.
Why Choose 3devo in Polymers?
Rapid prototyping
Reduce Costs
Get Inspired
Make stronger, more flexible, less expensive materials for use in a multitude of applications. Learn how some of the biggest manufacturing companies are now incorporating filament extrusion into their production processes.

Have the Next Fab Idea?Become an Inventor!
Have the Next Fab Idea?
Become an Inventor!
Fablabs around the world are abuzz with creative ideas. Our desktop extruder helps bring them to life in exciting new ways. Our filament makers welcome young inventors into the world of digital manufacturing, giving them the freedom to explore the full potential of their cutting-edge designs.